Monday, February 15, 2016

Vaccinations Mandatory in California? (letter to politicians)

Dear All,

I am writing to educate you from an immunologist's perspective, rather than
from a general practitioner's perspective, which is skewed by lack of
continued education after college, and biased information provided by the
drug companies that provide vaccine samples to them in a high-pressure
commercial effort to sell them, rather than from a perspective of the health
of individual people.  Having raised pedigreed cats for the last 12 years,
mammals are mammals after all, I can tell you that the drug companies
regularly and routinely over-prescribe their vaccinations, and only back off
and become less intrusive and slightly more honest, when we in the pet
industry push back.

I know many pet breeders, and all have complaints of having had problems
with vaccinations poisoning their puppies and kittens, especially when
administered in a cocktail of several vaccines at one time, sending whole
litters of kittens/puppies into anaphalactic shock and even death.  Older
animals become very adversely affected by repeat vaccinations, particularly
of Rabies, over time, and the only remedy to harassment by Animal Control
Officers is to tell them the aging pets are dead.  You make us "law
breakers" with your overreach, gullibility, and lack of education.

Greed and profiteering are so clearly the problem here, you should be
ashamed to consider these bills at all.  If forced on free individuals, you
are committing physical assault on humanity, and you are trying to encode
this evil with a law, not just committing a crime yourself, but forcing the
rest of us to be accessories to the crime!  Constitutionally, you do not
have the right or the power to force people to eat, drink or receive
anything into their bodies that they do not want.  YOU DO NOT OWN MY BODY.
The government is clearly for the administration of the courts and the
protection of our borders, and NOTHING MORE.  Healthcare was never a sphere
of control the Founding Fathers allocated to government at any level.  You
took and OATH BEFORE GOD to uphold the Constitution.  Creating a forced
market for a segment of industry is a crime on your part.  You do not have
the right to tell us we must buy anything!

In fact, most of the gains in health in our country over the last 70 years
can be attributed to improved hygiene, both public and private, and you will
find more danger from reusable shopping bags than from unvaccinated people!

You need to read and digest the following information and refrain from doing
great harm in the name of a few multinational bankers and royal families.

Pat Keyes

Many vaccines that you think were the reason for our improved health
actually have caused problems in the face of our gains.  Here is true
bedrock information on the most common vaccinations from an immunologist,
cited at bottom with the full article link:

"IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) cannot prevent transmission of
poliovirus (see appendix for the scientific study, Item #1). Wild poliovirus
has been non-existent in the USA for at least two decades. Even if wild
poliovirus were to be re-imported by travel, vaccinating for polio with IPV
cannot affect the safety of public spaces.  Please note that wild poliovirus
eradication is attributed to the use of a different vaccine, OPV or oral
poliovirus vaccine. Despite being capable of preventing wild poliovirus
transmission, use of OPV was phased out long ago in the USA and replaced
with IPV due to safety concerns.

Tetanus is not a contagious disease, but rather acquired from deep-puncture
wounds contaminated with C. tetani spores. Vaccinating for tetanus (via the
DTaP combination vaccine) cannot alter the safety of public spaces; it is
intended to render personal protection only.

While intended to prevent the disease-causing effects of the diphtheria
toxin, the diphtheria toxoid vaccine (also contained in the DTaP vaccine) is
not designed to prevent colonization and transmission of C. diphtheriae.
Vaccinating for diphtheria cannot alter the safety of public spaces; it is
likewise intended for personal protection only.

The acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine (the final element of the DTaP combined
vaccine), now in use in the USA, replaced the whole cell pertussis vaccine
in the late 1990s, which was followed by an unprecedented resurgence of
whooping cough. An experiment with deliberate pertussis infection in
primates revealed that the aP vaccine is not capable of preventing
colonization and transmission of B. pertussis (see appendix for the
scientific study, Item #2). The FDA has issued a warning regarding this
crucial finding.[1]

Furthermore, the 2013 meeting of the Board of Scientific Counselors at the
CDC revealed additional alarming data that pertussis variants (PRN-negative
strains) currently circulating in the USA acquired a selective advantage to
infect those who are up-to-date for their DTaP boosters (see appendix for
the CDC document, Item #3), meaning that people who are up-to-date are more
likely to be infected, and thus contagious, than people who are not

Among numerous types of H. influenzae, the Hib vaccine covers only type b.
Despite its sole intention to reduce symptomatic and asymptomatic
(disease-less) Hib carriage, the introduction of the Hib vaccine has
inadvertently shifted strain dominance towards other types of H. influenzae
(types a through f).These types have been causing invasive disease of high
severity and increasing incidence in adults in the era of Hib vaccination of
children (see appendix for the scientific study, Item #4).  The general
population is more vulnerable to the invasive disease now than it was prior
to the start of the Hib vaccination campaign.  Discriminating against
children who are not vaccinated for Hib does not make any scientific sense
in the era of non-type b H. influenzae disease.

Hepatitis B is a blood-borne virus. It does not spread in a community
setting, especially among children who are unlikely to engage in high-risk
behaviors, such as needle sharing or sex. Vaccinating children for hepatitis
B cannot significantly alter the safety of public spaces. Further, school
admission is not prohibited for children who are chronic hepatitis B
carriers. To prohibit school admission for those who are simply
unvaccinated – and do not even carry hepatitis B – would constitute
unreasonable and illogical discrimination.

In summary: 1) due to the properties of modern vaccines, non-vaccinated
individuals pose no greater risk of transmission of polio, diphtheria,
pertussis, and numerous non-type b H. influenzae strains than vaccinated
individuals do, non-vaccinated individuals pose virtually no danger of
transmission of hepatitis B in a school setting, and tetanus is not
transmissible at all; 2) there is a significantly elevated risk of emergency
room visits after childhood vaccination appointments attesting that
vaccination is  not risk-free; 3) outbreaks of measles cannot be entirely
prevented even if we had nearly perfect vaccination compliance; and 4) an
effective method of preventing measles and other viral diseases in
vaccine-ineligible infants and the immunocompromised, immunoglobulin, is
available for those who may be exposed to these diseases.

Taken together, these four facts make it clear that discrimination in a
public school setting against children who are not vaccinated for reasons of
conscience is completely unwarranted as the vaccine status of conscientious
objectors poses no undue public health risk.

Sincerely Yours,
~ Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD"

Full Article here:

Sunday, February 14, 2016

First public entry. Welcome & Warning!

Who honestly cares about me?  Why should I tell you about myself?  Having lived an unremarkable life, with very few major upsets to tell, and living in America where no one has a right to cry about lack of opportunity to succeed, who am I?  Except as a witness to a surprisingly wide range of lifestyles and behaviors, Who cares?

Hopes are that you are interested because things on this post will be neither black nor white as presented to you in school, or on the TV.  Rather, what does God say?  What God?  And I hope to present enough of the compelling discoveries in the world that may be hidden from you to give you a reasonable faith.

There's faith and there's blind faith.  Con men and grifters are big on blind faith.  Information presented as truth, but carefully arranged to present only their own self-interested story, which includes a hefty payoff for themselves at your expense.  Truth isn't greedy.  Truth is free, completely uninterested in material gain.  In searching for the Intelligent Designer that nature compels us to seek, this is a very first building block of truth.  A Being that could create and sustain this universe doesn't need your money.  If anyone tells you different, they are lying.

You may become offended upon finding that sticks are poked at some pretty major sacred cows here.  You, the gentle reader, are encouraged to take a deep breath and let things settle in, though if blasting a comment is going to help you to think through your unchallenged beliefs, I am willing to listen.  But let things wiggle around in your brain.  Test my "theories" for good logic.  Ideas are solid things in the spirit world.  They should be tested, and bad ones should be thrown down just as quickly as you can pry them loose from your mind.

Why?  Because eventually, this life in the body ends.  If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you'll notice that there's several days that are optimal for planting a seed, but eventually that season ends, and the next starts.  Planting late means that you may not get a tomato or a cucumber before the summer ends and the weather becomes too cold, or the sun to far south to give the plant the energy it needs to ripen its produce.  If you plant late, you may still get a crop if you're lucky and the seasons linger longer than average, but averages are averages because they happen regularly and often.  You can't count on warm weather.  You have to live by your wits.  You have to recognize opportunity, develop reasoned priorities, and seize the day.  The universal clock is ticking, gently, but steadily.  The seasons will tiptoe, but will not stop.

Winter will come.  Will you have what you need to survive it?  I hope to share what I've found in hopes that you will.