Before reacting to my headline, I want to say that the apparatus of medical care we are enslaved by today is NOT acceptable to me personally, nor is slapping a sticker that says "Health Care" on a rail car to a gas chamber accurate. If you want to press me to say that we all should CHOOSE what happens to our bodies, then let's drop the very horrid assumption that we are only "safe" to choose when we also have a massive and ridiculously expensive safety net called the modern medical establishment.
I am FOR CHOICE if that choice is made privately between a good and qualified doctor and the woman herself, with no interference, and no FUNDING of a murder by society, which confers guilt upon ME for murder by my acquiescence to paying taxes. Where it is a measured private decision, and both parties are aware of their accountability before God, nobody else bears the guilt. Even Biblical values and priorities of law would acknowledge that in the case of the "life of the mother," you SAVE at least one life, and that the baby in extremely rare instances can be labeled an "aggressor" when the mother has other children to raise already and her life is threatened.
Morally, of course, the baby is not guilty of a crime. It's a result of the fallen nature of the universe, the culmination of 6000 years of bad decisions impacting the very health of an innocent in such a way as to harm an innocent mother, like throwing a baby at a woman on a cliff edge. The baby isn't guilty, the one who threw the baby is, or rather, our inherited society's billions of ricocheting pinballs of evil. Call it the "Butterfly Effect" or ripples on a pond. Where we all sow the wind, we reap a destructive whirlwind.
This would be the ONLY exception for abortion in my book. Kicking a woman's pregnant belly is an act of attempted homicide. Selling a pre-birthed baby's body parts for money is a violation of laws against homicide and slavery. Adoption is the way to go for one who cannot or will not raise their own children. There is simply NO STIGMA to adoption! Who in the United States frowns on adoption? What kind of a person could disrespect the willingness of strangers to fully love, care for, and pay for a child, especially a wee baby?
It's the discovery of the SOURCE of the baby that is the explosive issue in this thin tattered "law" that goes against the statute of the Declaration of Independence. It is the shame of moral failure. The shame of loss of self-control, shame of victimhood (false guilt that no girl should suffer), and the evil of murder as a coverup for rape. Let's call this act of murder on the carpet for what it is: a system of predatory gain at the expense of the women who seek escape from all of the above.
Abortion is an ASSAULT BY "DOCTORS" WHO GOT C'S AND D'S IN MED SCHOOL AND COULDN'T GET A REAL JOB, on weak and often needy women who are UNLOVED or NEGLECTED by their immediate relatives and probably have no friends of integrity and substance. NOBODY who cares about a woman would allow her to live in fear for 9 months because she's expecting a brand new shiny human baby! There are exactly enough sterile childless couples looking for children to adopt as there are abortions right now in the U.S.!
Abortion is a MAN'S INDUSTRY. If you want to line up with the delusion of the feminazi order, IF YOU WANT TO BLAME MEN, then here: MEN use this UNREGULATED INDUSTRY, requiring NO accountability to a medical board, association, or hospital policy, and is protected from liability by the simple fact that an abortionist who, as an example, perforates a woman's uterus and allows her to bleed to death, is the SAME doctor who establishes the "cause of death" on her death certificate, and will hardly admit to medical malpractice or murder. Promiscuous sexual adults use this organization to hide their guilt while plucking the flower from any child they can lure. A real man MARRIES an adult woman who finds him worthy. He doesn't sneak around using young girls as a substitute for his hand or a realistic blow up doll.
Abortion is a COVERUP for ADULT MALE SEXUAL ABUSE of MINORS. Especially men in power, whether a judge, politician or business man with money. Especially if the girl/abortion clinic is NOT required to seek PARENTAL CONSENT before their daughter is subjected to a "procedure" that could result in death, exposure to infection (remember no rules on cleanliness for abortion clinics!), and secondary complications like damage to internal organs, severe scarring, and sterility.
And SHAME on the PUBLIC SCHOOLS for their "sex ed" classes that strip away the natural modesty of children and tell them that the sex act doesn't include meaning and moral values. Shame on the teachers who go along to get along, and teach children that they are nothing more than animals without the ability to control themselves! SHAME that parents in this country are willing to pay and turn a blind eye to the perversion their kids are subjected to in coed classes that fail to show the consequences of sexuality outside of a loving committed marriage. How many 30-somethings find that sexual promiscuity has given them Herpes from "experimentation" in their teens, and that they are now sterile and will never have a child of their own.
SHAME on the news media that frames this sick murdering industry as a way for careless teenagers to regain a future career, or for women they encouraged to participate in unsafe dating practices to free themselves from a tragic and depressing "product of rape." SHAME on the society that won't openly confront the evil of sex outside of marriage in ALL its forms. SHAME on the news media for failing to inform the public of the psychological destruction women are suffering en masse in the aftermath of the murder of their baby. Imagine walking down the street, or in a park, and for the rest of your life, wondering if your child would have looked like that one, or could have experienced what that child just experienced. Only God can bear the responsibility for ending a life. Only God can take a life knowing the reasons, timing, and fitness for heaven, or hell, of the person he takes, and be SURE that it is the right time to move the person beyond this material world. Only God truly OWNS us and has a right to make a decision of such gravity. We only borrow our existence. We do not cause it, or maintain it.
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