Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Why "Separation of Church & State" is against the State, not the Church's, Presence in Society

This entry is a response to a question from a facebook conversation:
     Your definition of deism is what denominational Christians view as a very stripped down, elemental understanding of the God of the Bible. Creator of All, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipowerful, All-Wise, All-Good, Giver of Law, Judge of All Deeds, Sustainer of Existence, Relational/Personal, Source of Compassion: these are all character traits held by all folk people groups around the planet before any organized religion spread. This was carefully documented in the late 1800's. There is a word in EVERY language for this 'God'. These are characteristics of the Creator displayed in our universe and our very bodies that not even atheists can rationally deny, if forced to apply logic to reality.
     Remember, authority to tell other people what to do ONLY COMES from taking the RESPONSIBILITY for the results. Parents have authority over their children because they work to financially support them, get up in the night to feed or clean them, teach them about life, and kiss the boo-boos. If a govt official isn't going to change your baby's 3 AM diaper, then they shouldn't be able to tell you what brand to buy, or how to do it!

    The Founding Fathers correctly didn't want human ideas about individual private worship to be codified. It isn't the govt's responsibility to make religious worship "right" or "proper", so the Founding Fathers made sure that the Federal govt was denied the ability to authoritatively meddle!  When you make a law, it had better be worth killing people to enforce. I hardly think anyone, then or now, would think it a good thing to kill someone for raising their hands towards God in praise, or not. Also, when society makes a law that is not in the scriptures, it is necessarily forcing everyone, whether they like the law or not, to tacitly support it, both with their compliance, and by their unwillingness to work to change or delete it. Bad laws make good people guilty, against their will, these days completely unknown to them, of taking away freedom from EVERYONE. If a law makes some people unwillingly guilty it's a bad law.
     What God does for people is undeniable. HE ALONE gives life, liberty and the right to pursue happiness as a function of free will. No association of people, called a "government" can imbue that! They're just people like you and me. Our RESPONSE to that incredible gift is to take what we think we know, and have experienced, and "WORSHIP" (RESPOND BACK TO GOD APPROPRIATELY) as individuals. We can and DO ARGUE about what should be considered appropriate worship, and well we should, but NOT as a part of Govt Function! Our worship is enhanced when we gather together with others of like mind and like convictions. But that doesn't mean those who differ should be penalized for it, or told their offerings of conscience are "wrong". We each are seen all day long, and will be seeing our eternal Judge someday to account for our own deeds. The govt cannot possibly know one's conscience, nor take responsibility for it, nor step in and make one right with God, so no agent of any branch of govt should ever have the authority to define this relationship with God for ANYONE!

     CRIME on the other hand, is not defined by individual heartfelt free will acts. CRIME is defined by God. ONE STANDARD from ONE SOURCE, no double standards, no shifting values that can't be learned quick enough. God is fair. His law is clear, and he will not change the rules. NOT EVEN FOR HIMSELF! (Remember, in order for Jesus to pay for our sins, Jesus had to suffer the same existence that we do, and NEVER break the same laws!) Refusing to rest a day per week, dishonoring parents, lying, stealing, killing, sex with someone you're not married to, and coveting other people's things (establishment of personal property rights by God), are not just wrong for me to perpetrate, but for you to perpetrate as well. That's only FAIR!

     Our PERSONAL response to God is intrinsically unique, like each of us were a leaf on a very large tree. But God is the Root, Crown and Trunk that we hang on. All the other "faiths" may borrow or contort the original folk truth of the Creator, with more or less success, but they do not acknowledge the willingness of God to take TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY for providing a way of forgiveness, and reconciliation for our failure to respond to him, and to others, in sync with his character of Love, Patience, Long Suffering, Kindness, Protectiveness, etc. He made himself a man, obeyed his own rules to the death, and being guiltless, raised himself alive again as the proof that he will do the same for us!
     Law can only condemn. Law cannot SAVE! Government is not our savior! Government cannot hear us when we cry in the dark. Government cannot absolve us. It's only right purpose is to provide physical protection from bullies and thieves inside and outside our borders.
     May Yahweh's rule and reign begin as soon as possible on earth!

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