Tuesday, November 22, 2016

God is a mean party pooper. Right?

I love talking to people online. Here's a short response to a woman commenting about teaching the Bible in public schools, as literature, and hopefully, there's something to be enjoyed from it!

LikeReply1Oct 28, 2016 7:25am
Name is Omitted to protect the not-so-innocent
From "a High School"

The Bible only teaches to believe and follow the word of "god" or suffer for all of eternity. Wow, I really feel the "love"
LikeReply2 hrs

Dear Lady, Do you get angry at the color red for being red? Do you get angry that you can't fly like a bird? God describes himself as Spirit and a consuming fire. He's hotter than plasma energy. Would you like to enter his presence in your present corrupted degraded body? It would be like leaping into the sun! Only your spirit can survive face to face exposure to his presence. If your spirit has not been born again, then it's not alive. You're still spiritually dead in your failures and selfish sins. God can't look upon that. And really, who wants to be that selfish anyway?

He has created a universe that coexisted in his energetic presence, we broke it, essentially turning it into cold tinder that heaven would have combusted, and he kindly separated our universe from eternity, because he had a plan to show us the consequences of our selfishness, and allow us to exercise free will. Love is not robotic obedience. We are in a temporary physical universe in temporary physical bodies. God knows who will seek him out with an honest heart, and who will not. Each person's path to knowledge of God and love for him, is unique and made meaningful and valuable because of the suffering they, and Christ, had to endure to reach each other.

If getting to know your best friend, or God, was about eating banana splits in candy shops, you'd never know if you could trust them when you're really down. You can eat banana splits with total strangers and learn as much about them while they sit at a different table as you can at the same table. And you've got no way to confirm that anything they say is trustworthy without testing in the out-of-control circumstances of real life.

The God of the Bible is the only "god" that offers forgiveness, reconciliation, and a new spiritual life. If you can believe that God loves you, which you clearly doubt right now, then ASK HIM to forgive you for your selfish lifestyle, and to make you alive to relationship with Him. This is called being born again, not of physical birth, but of spiritual nature. If you accept a second birth of your spirit, your spirit is alive forever. God's Spirit joins you in your body, you are given a new heart and new eyes to see his love and his direction for your life.

How is this possible? How can God just ignore all the bad things we've done? Because he paid for it with his own self. Jesus took our punishment, so that he could let us go free. You don't have to jump through any hoops to go to heaven! It's a free gift! But you might like to learn to love and obey God, because he will reward your loving obedience, now, and in heaven. Some folks will go to heaven, but have no reward because they continued to do as they pleased in this life.

Those who give up their own plans and ask what God would have them do will receive privileges and rewards that are very much worth having. God doesn't share his glory with slackers. You must earn it. You can't sit passively as a believer. You have to prove that you love people. There's a maxim: God made us to love people and use stuff. But we fail because we love stuff and use people. God's Spirit gives us the love and encouragement we need to reverse this curse, and really start loving people, even if it costs us very dearly in this life, because we know "stuff" is temporary, and in heaven we'll have better things to do than collect stuff. Like enjoying our friends forever!

People CHOOSE HELL. Hell is the total separation of oneself from God and all his benefits. Hell is properly translated not as Lake of Fire, but as Lake of Lightnings [plasma energy in chaotic disarray].  It's the fulfillment of the desire to be only physical, and remain only in this physical existence, even after God leaves this holographic construct we call the physical universe for good. NOBODY goes there without first deliberately REJECTING God. God is a gentleman. God is not a rapist or a stalker. He doesn't lurk in the bushes and force you to love him back. He wants you to CHOOSE HIM, and CHOOSE LIFE! He sent AT LEAST ME to tell you so!

There, hopefully you have heard this in a way you may not have heard before. Now you are accountable for your destination. I urge you. CHOOSE LIFE! YOU ARE LOVED!

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